14 Months Old And Almost Toddling

Another month has flown by and at 14 months old, Mrs T is becoming a fully fledged toddler who goes to nursery, crawls up stairs and walks with the aid of a baby walker. Yes! She is nearly walking.


Her character is developing too. Every day she displays more traits of her inherent personality. Fortunately, she is a sociable little bean who loves chatting (and shouting) as well as performing the odd mischievous act and is fascinated with how things work. To her, the straps on her car seat are like a big puzzle and she is determined to work out how they fit into the clasp (if she figures that out she’ll be doing better than her dad). While the belt and buckle on her high chair is often of more interest to her than the food.

She also has an avid interest in toy cars, balls, shape sorters, books and anything with buttons. Her favourite new toy is some stacking wooden rings. She learnt how to master it in less than an hour. Amazing!


She continues to love taking things out of boxes, her wooden pram, her purse, my purse and (sometimes) putting them back. The washing machine is also a huge source of fascination, opening and closing the door. Yesterday she even chucked in the plastic lid which usually has the laundry liquid in (clearly she has seen me perform this act way too much for my liking).

Her language is really improving, the rhythm and intonation in which she speaks is almost like ours (without the correct words) and she is saying the odd word – like her name! She can point to herself in pictures and say it – what an amazing feeling for a proud mum! However, my favourite of all her expressions is her name for animals, in particular dogs, which are “golly gahs”. Although, if she is really excited it is a “golly, golly, golly gah”. Usually this expression is accompanied by a finger point like the one below.


14-months-old, who knows what this next month will bring! That is one of the great things about being a parent (although it also has its downsides- her teething & ad hoc grumpiness seems to be never ending with no sign of any teeth appearing).

At the start of this new month, Mrs T has already had her first parents evening (despite only being there a month). Fortunately, the feedback was all good and she is having a great time there. She’s gentle with the other children, isn’t easily upset and loves playing with the toys. She is also making brilliant progress standing up and walking with help. Who knows, perhaps by the time she is 15 months old she’ll be doing it on her own!




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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

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