6 Months Old Today


Half a year has already passed since Mrs T came into our life and I feel so, so blessed to have her. It had been an amazing six months and she has never failed to do something to make us smile and laugh on a daily basis and even cry with pride on occasions.

As a family, we have certainly had our challenges over the past months as Cal has fought blood cancer – Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. But Mrs T has brought us so much joy and proved to be a massive distraction as we have completely focussed on her and the wonders of early life.

It is amazing how much they change in such a short space of time. I remember reading somewhere that if children grew at the same rate in the first year as they did for the rest of their lives they would be as tall as Nelson’s Column. Mrs T still looks a lot like many early pictures, just bigger, smilier and even more fun.


Now that she is six months old, she is really becoming a proper little person.

Over the last week or so her awareness of everything around her has suddenly come into focus. It is as though somebody has flicked a switch and instead of watching a clunky old analogue TV with a blurry picture, she is now looking at a brand new digital, plasma TV not only in wonderful high definition but in 3D.

This has made her become incredibly nosy – wanting to look at everything and everyone and being able to communicate far better with her eyes, smile and early, nonsensical speech.

Here are some of things she is now doing.

Is almost sitting upright on her own!! She is getting there – can do around 20 seconds on her own.

Turning her head to look at whoever is talking – even if they are behind her.

Wanting to grab ANYTHING and when there is nothing clasping her fingers to the palm of her hand, grabbing thin air.

Looking at you, directly in the eyes and smiling (amazing)!

Eating food

Passing food and toys from one hand to the other

Looking at a new person, sussing them out and then smiling at them.

Much more interested and aware of other children and wanting to touch and look at them.

Pinching and hitting me, Dad, toys – anything she can reach

Leaning forward – usually to grab things

Doing the ‘crab’ – especially when taking off her clothes or trying to change her nappy. Sometimes this ends us with her going around in a circle like the second hand of a clock.

Moving her arms up and down, a bit like a bird trying to take off. This seems to become more pronounced when she sees me or Dad.

Enjoying time on her front and rolling from front to back (but not the other way around yet).

More aware of sound – she seems to really love me singing to her (and dancing) and listening to music in general.

Loves looking at herself in the mirror and smiling at her reflection.

Twirls her feet around in a circle a lot.




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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

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