Feeling Cheated Over Airport Shop Tax Scam

Who else has spent precious airport time queuing up at a duty-free shop only to realise your don’t have your boarding pass to hand? There will usually be some kind of tut or roll of the eyes from the shop assistant who, looking unamused, holds out her hand, waiting for theย pass, watchingย as you rummage through your bags – in my case pulling our wet wipes, local currency and a handful of nappies in the process – only to realise it is in the hands of my hubby, who is elsewhere (probably in a bar). On the occasions when I don’t have it, the ย shopkeeper usually lets me off while I thank them profusely, feeling like some kind of criminal! I know some people who have even had to return their carefully chosen items!

I always assumed we had to show our boarding passesย to get the 20% VAT off and that it was some security requirement. But no. It isn’t. Turns out some airport shops are keeping the savings themselves instead of passing them on to the customer. What a con! Along with the majority of travellers, I feel rather cheated!

The truth is, unless you are buying tobacco or alcohol, there is no legal requirement to show your pass. Some shopsย appear to be taking the information from boarding passes so they can prove to customs that the goods are going outside the EU andย pocketing the VAT discount themselves and reducing their tax bills.

Airport VAT Tax scam

Retailers have been told to come clean but it seems the government is doing nothing to stop the practice – which seems strange because if it were any small business trying to fiddle their taxes they would soon crack down on them. Clearly, something needs to be done to stop the practice.

It seems many of the high-end airport shops including Harrods, John Lewis, Cath Kidston, Zara, Ted Baker and SuperDry take the VAT off for ALL passengers whetherย they are travelling outside the EU or not.ย But others have just one price for all with no VAT discount. Boots, WH Smith and Dixons have come under criticism with WH Smith claiming two sets ofย pricing for those travelling in EU and those not, would be a “practical impossibility”. ย Although mostย of my smaller purchases from these stores wouldn’t have given me a huge amount of savings, it’s the principle!

So, next time I buy my holiday items at the airport, I won’t worry about making sure I have my boarding pass with me and I certainly won’t be faffing around in my bag trying to find it. I shall politely inform the shopkeeper there is no reason for me to show it and be on my way.ย I encourage other travellersย to do the same.

What do you think about the airport shop tax scam? Will you be taking action? Should the government be doing more?ย 

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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

  1. I was at the airport in Exeter on Wednesday and they insisted I had to show boarding pass to buy water and that it was a legal requirement for all passengers. When I challenged her she also came up with a variety of equally unbelievable reasons including that they needed to see it for stock checking purposes! She flatly refused to serve me without – but as the water was for my 3yo, I couldn’t do much. Infuriating being lied to.
    Cathy ( MummyTravels ) recently posted…Visit Nemo Science Center, AmsterdamMy Profile

    1. No way! That is unbelievable Cathy! All over a bottle of water. Incredibly infuriating. Seems staff have been trained in this way. Some of the stores say they have issued guidance to staff telling them it is not obligatory but we shall have to see whether it filters down. I hope the publicity surrounding this story will help enlighten customers and shop assistants on the law and their rights. Have a good trip xx

  2. Interesting and sadly, not surprising. I wonder if this same problem exists in Canada and the US. I don’t ever remember needing to show my pass at the Duty Free stores but then again I haven’t bought much there. Good post. #PoCoLo
    Rob recently posted…Carews in Suburbia: Fall PreviewMy Profile

  3. I decided to treat myself to some new makeup on the way to France this summer. I had to put it back because my hubby had my boarding pass (in the bar!) I didn’t know it wasn’t a legal requirement- thanks for putting me right #bigfatlinky
    Morna recently posted…Beets Blu Smartscale ReviewMy Profile

    1. Your hubby sounds like mine! I can’t believe they made you put it back! Bonkers! Goes to show the shop assistants don’t have a clue either… There is no way they would pass on a sale otherwise. Next time you can put them right xx

    1. I know! No benefits whatsoever for customers! My hubby always keeps the boarding passes together (clearly doesn’t trust me) so I often forget it. X

  4. I couldn’t believe it when I read about this. I always assumed that presenting your boarding pass was some kind of legal requirement. And I’ve been there so many times – fumbling around desperately to find my boarding pass and dropping everything else I was carrying in the process! I love to see if things change now – hopefully they will.
    Nomita | Ebabee recently posted…Wear your veggies!My Profile

    1. I know! Same here. It will be very interesting to see whether things will change. You would think now people are more clued up, things won’t be able to carry on as they were. Xx

  5. Thank you for sharing this, I am ALWAYS that mum with nappies and wet wipes flying out my bag desperately trying to locate my boarding pass to buy a one quid item from Boots only to discover hubby has it and leaving like the forlorn international criminal with not even a passport to my name!
    Keri recently posted…Taiwanese Family HotspotsMy Profile

    1. Hahaha! Thank goodness I am not the only one! They really do make you feel bad, don’t they? Well, not any longer! I have the knowledge now and will make sure I use it! Xx

  6. I can’t believe this, it’s terrible. I heard about it in the news but didn’t have time to look at it properly. Well I must admit I rarely buy any ‘duty free’ anyway as I’ve usually only just scraped enough money away to go on holiday so that I’m on a strict budget at the airport! Great, informative post ๐Ÿ™‚ xx #bestandworst
    teacuptoria recently posted…Teacup Family TravelsMy Profile

    1. Thank you! Know what you mean, I sometimes spend a fortune on magazines and books which rarely get read when on holiday with a toddler! X

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