The Worst Taxi Ride Ever, Istanbul

I’ve had a fair few hair raising taxi journeys in my life, mainly on my travels. There was the Egyptian driver in Dubai who tried to crack onto me as my daughter sat on my knee, my husband sat in the front seat next to him. Grinning and telling tales as he teared down the six lane motorway. Then there was the mini van driver in Malaysia who enjoyed whizzing around corners at high speed and, more generally, the tuk tuk drivers in South East Asia who nip in and out of small spaces in their aged vehicles, beeping their horns as you get covered in smog and dust. But none of these quite compare to a taxi ride I experienced in Istanbul.

Ride is an appropriate word – it felt like I was on a theme park roller coaster. After landing at Istanbul airport and collecting my bags, I went to the taxi rank and was quickly approached by a rounded, middle aged man with a moustache. Having done my research, I knew I should only be paying 60 Turkish Lira (around ยฃ13.50) to get to my accommodation. Of course, he asks for 80TL. I tell him 60TL.

“Ok. One person 60,” he replied, chucking my luggage in the boot of the yellow cab and running off. He soon returned with two others, a Scottish couple, who had accepted the 80TL without question. With them in the back, me in front, we set off.

It wasn’t long before I realised I had got into the car of a mad man! Sitting next to him in the front, I had the best view of his terrible, dangerous driving. There was no escape as I watched him zigzag across the three lane motorway weaving through cars as though he was behind the controls of a video game not a real life steering wheel. Well, he did look a bit like one of the Mario brothers so wasn’t hard to picture. He seemed to find it all quite amusing, his large belly shaking with laughter, his crooked yellow teeth grinning at me.

I occasionally looked back at the couple, eyebrows raised. They were just as wide-eyed – clearly just as petrified. When we were on slower roads, he would do the standard drive right up the back of cars and would even speed up when he saw pedestrians cross the road. I mean, how dare they!

Istanbul (picture courtesy of Pixarbay)

He soon spotted a fellow taxi driver and, winding the window down, exchanged some words in Turkish. Driving alongside each other at close proximity, he stuck his arm out and reached for a cigarette his friend was giving him. It was clearly a manoeuvre he’d done before as he performed the task without stopping the car.

Pointing at the cigarette, he half-heartedly asked if he could smoke. I did mind but I wasn’t going to say so. The Scottish couple piped up, “of course, that’s fine.” I had about ten minutes of fag smoke blowing in my face before we started to get into the heart of the city.

Of course, the Scottish couple were staying on the other side of the river from me so the journey was already extended. But before we even got there the taxi driver stopped without warning in the middle of a narrow, cobbled street. He got out and went into a nearby cafe. There were several cars behind us and they had no way of getting past.
I turned around to the couple.

“Where’s he gone?” I said in disbelief. We had a quick discussion about the craziness of the situation and a bit of a laugh about it.

He soon returned, armed with a sandwich, filling seeping out. We were on the move again and somehow managed to get to the Scottish couple’s hotel safely while the taxi driver ate his sandwich and drove at the same time. He took 80TL from them and asked for a 10TL tip  which they duly gave.

Bidding them farewell and a good trip, it was just me and him. We had only been on the road a few minutes when there was another stop. This time it was at the side of the road (so he wasn’t causing a traffic jam again) but it was another food stop. He returned with two pretzels and offered me one. I politely declined.

We soon got within the radius of my accommodation – an apartment where my friend, Emma, had been staying for the past week. She had already warned me it wasn’t the easiest to find but I had printed off a map in preparation. That didn’t stop him from calling the owner after seeing there was a number on the map – with no success. He was very close to just ditching me at the side of the road but using google maps on my phone, I guided him as close as I could and called it a day.

It was time to pay. “Tip, tip, tip” he pestered. “10 lira”.

I knew he was ripping me off (in fact locals don’t tip at all) and I certainly knew the car journey was not tip worthy. In fact, you would have to pay ME to get in another car with him. But, thankful to get there in one piece and too stunned to argue, I gave him the amount requested and bid the crazy taxi driver goodbye.

What’s the craziest driver or journey you have ever encountered? I would love to hear your stories.

Why a taxi ride in Istanbul proved to be the most hair raising journey in my life

*Pictures courtesy of Pixabay

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Wander Mum


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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

  1. Oh god, Elizabeth. I feel ill thinking about it! What a journey! I love how he actually had the audacity to have 2 food stops! I’ve been in a few hairy cab rides too, the worse in fact is India in a tuk tuk. I actually thought I was going to die… And not having the comfort of a proper car around me made it worse! White knuckle ride that one was! x
    Ting at My Travel Monkey recently posted…*Updated* The List: Club Sandwiches From Around The WorldMy Profile

    1. Hey Ting, I’ve heard much about the tut tut drivers in India – and it’s not good! Being in a rather flimsy vehicle with a dodgy driver is never a great combination! When my driver stopped for the second time I literally couldn’t believe it – my mouth was wide open. Very funny looking back though! X

  2. Arghh I would have been petrified! I’ve had a couple of scary experiences, my 1st was a coach journey in Corfu, I honestly thought I was going to DIE, I am still traumatised and will never get on a coach ever again. My 2nd in Bali which I think must be similar to India! Great post and thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst see you again! x
    Helen Gandy recently posted…Best and Worst Linky #24My Profile

    1. Oh my goodness, your coach journey must have been horrendous to put you off them for life. You’d think they’d have consideration for the passengers. Thanks for hosting #bestandworst x

  3. I hate it when taxi drivers rip you off. When you have just arrived somewhere you are a bit vunerable and it doesn’t get things off to a good start. Glad you made it in one piece.
    Erica Price recently posted…Brick 2015My Profile

  4. That sounds horrific! Our worst was arriving at a train station in Rome. We knew our accommodation was walking distance but we had a lot of luggage and it was quite late so we hailed a taxi. The drive was about 2 minutes and he asked for 30 euro. We said “no that’s too much.” He started yelling at us in Italian. We gave him 15 (still too much) said that’s all we had, grabbed our stuff and fled! #pocolo
    Kyles @ Pickles and Pords recently posted…Reading is…My Profile

    1. No way! I can’t believe that. 30 euros! Crazy! That’s really out of order. At least you got out of there quickly and didn’t pay that ridiculous sum but yes, 15 euros is still way too much. X

  5. Sounds crazy! glad you got to your hotel in one piece! I was on a coach heading to my hotel in Marrakesh and the Hotel rep had to keep reminding us that the coach driver was being careful and knew the roads well – i couldn’t look and just stared at my feet most of the journey. He was whizzing in and out of traffic, cutting through lanes and overtaking bikes and cars on both sides! So scary! #PoCoLo

  6. I think Istanbul is up there for my worst taxi ride too – speeding back madly, someone else flagged him down at which he stopped, took their bag and ordered us out! The other person was mortified as they hadn’t guessed we were in – and we realised thankfully we weren’t that far from the hotel. I was all for walking off without paying… I can’t quite remember what we did do, I suspect my husband would have talked me down from my fury. No tip, I’m certain.
    Cathy (MummyTravels) recently posted…Review: The Rabbit Who Wants to Fall AsleepMy Profile

    1. Oh, Cathy that’s awful – I can’t believe he did that! My friend had a few instances when the cabbie dumped her at the side of the road because it once bad traffic – once when it was tipping it down with rain. We mostly took the tram after that! X

  7. I mentioned to a friend that I commend myself to the gods everytime I get in a car with anyone in Moscow, let alone taxi drivers, but I must say that is much much worse, and I may have to tone down my white knuckled gripping of the door handle a bit from now on.
    Mama Herself recently posted…Trolleybus Parade 2015, MoscowMy Profile

  8. The food stops and cigarette “non-stop” are new to me, I’ve never experienced that but I’ve certainly had some terrifying rides in my life too. One that really stands out, even more than 20 years later, was driving with my parents to the airport in Hanoi, my mum (who’s also travelled tons and lived all over the world on every continent) actually hit the driver she was so scared for her life!!! She was mortified afterwards but she just couldn’t help herself as we narrowly missed yet another truck head-on.
    Phoebe @ Lou Messugo recently posted…Silent Sunday – 1 November 2015My Profile

    1. I know! So cheeky – he must have thought the driving, food stops, overcharging etc were perfectly ok! Haha – yes good to look back and laugh now. X

  9. OMG, poor you!! And too bad the Scottish couple paid that much.
    When I was there I gave no tips to the taxi drivers, people have alerted me to this problem.
    Once I was in Rio de Janeiro and I took a crazy taxi too, he was more like a Formula 1 driver. The problem was that I was feeling very sick and nauseous, lucky for him I didn’t throw up in his car ๐Ÿ˜€

    Happy to have you on #MondayEscapes
    Packing my Suitcase recently posted…10 things worth doing in Sรฃo PauloMy Profile

    1. Haha – well, it would have been partly his fault if you had thrown up! Yea, I knew he was fleecing me but I just wanted to get him away asap! Thanks for hosting #mondayescapes

  10. Sounds awful but hilarious at the same time. I have loads of horror stories, in fact you have given me an idea for an article! In Istanbul once me and my friend were driven from Topkapi bus station to Topkapi Palace. We agreed the price beforehand but when we got there he demanded the fee from each of us having first centrally locked all the doors. Of course we argued and said we would report him. His response was that he would take us to see some of his friends! We paid in the end as it was only a few pounds but it was the principle of course! We exited the taxi virtually straight into a carpet shop….. now that’s another tale…..
    wilbur recently posted…StatuesqueMy Profile

    1. Haha – what is it about the Istanbul taxi drivers? That’s awful – and pretty scary – I can’t believe he locked the doors! Would love to hear the carpet story! X

  11. Oh my gosh I would just die on the spot if this happened to me. I’m a nightmare passenger even with really good drivers. You are very brave to stay in the car, I would of jumped out the window I think, probably safer too! #CityTripping

  12. Oh my goodness, that sounds awful! Great story but not one you’d want to live through again. My worst taxi ride was the one in the Himalayas. High up in the mountains, tiny lanes with hairpin bends and the driver decides to save the fuel by turning off the engine and just coasting down….I literally had to lie down on the backseat, too afraid to look!
    Clare Thomson (Suitcases and Sandcastles) recently posted…A Year of Reading Aloud: The Books we read in 2015My Profile

    1. Smart idea Christy! Uber is definitely doing a good job at taking over – although doubt the driving in certain places would be too much better…

  13. Taxi drivers in certain parts of the world don’t share the same sense of urgency as we have – what if you’re in a rush while he’s stopping for a hot sandwhich?! Glad you made it safely and soundly to your accommodations ๐Ÿ™‚ Luckily, I haven’t experienced a crazy driver but my parents have in Jerusalem where the driver ran over my mom’s shoe!! She was ok but refused to compensate the driver for the ride – rightly so! #citytripping
    Deb Che recently posted…Why Milan Makes the Perfect City BreakMy Profile

  14. I have had taxi drives from hell like the one you are describing in here. Nowadays, looks like taxi drivers are more into texting and driving at high speeds. I went to Mexico the other day and we almost got out of the road because the taxi driver lost control when the car fell on a pothole. He almost lost control since he was writing a message in his phone.
    Ruth recently posted…Valencia: Mercat CentralMy Profile

    1. Oh gosh that’s very scary! Phones have a lot to answer for. Just today in Sri Lanka, we overtook a guy on a moped having a phone conversation…crazy!

  15. OMG (and I don’t say that too often!). No mad taxi drives to recount but when house hunting there was one time when we went the the estate agent’s car which meant hurtling down every road at breakneck speed (in driving rain) and sitting on the backside of every car. She somehow managed to answer her mobile whilst going round a roundabout and then also lit a cigarette. When we got out my husband exclaimed how close we were to some of the other vehicles on the road – “Yes,” I said … and you were in the back … I was in the front and they were even closer!”
    Rosie @Eco-Gites of Lenault recently posted…Camera Skills – January 17th 2016My Profile

    1. Oh my goodness! That sounds incredibly hair-raising! Phone and cigarette on the go – eek!! And yes, always worse when you are sat in the front!

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