Baby-Led Weaning: Breakfast

Breakfast is probably my favourite meal of the day.* Having fasted for nearly 12 hours whilst asleep, chomping on that first piece of toast or tucking into a croissant or bowl of cereal or eggs benedict is immensely satisfying. For adults, breakfast is easy and convenient but with babies it had me a little stumped as to what to serve the little munchkin.

Looking for inspiration I saw wholewheat biscuits (eg Weetabix) fortified with iron and vitamins was recommended.

I was a little sceptical. Personally, I can’t STAND the stuff. It certainly doesn’t have me jumping out of bed in the morning gagging for a bowl.

Lets start with getting them out of the packet. Crammed like sardines into nasty plastic packaging, prising them out of the box is a mission in itself. Half of the biscuit crumbles away into tiny bits, sprinkling your floor, worktop and the bottom of the box with brown crumbs (Tip – always open over a sink). You can see why the minimum sized box is 24 biscuits – most of it turns into dust.

Once in a bowl, the cereal either turns into a soggy mess when too much milk is added or a dry, crusty texture which feels like you are eating sand if too little is added. Either way it tastes like cardboard and a ton of sugar is required to stop it tasting so bland.

Despite my misgivings, I plucked up the courage to buy a pack the other week and let Mrs T be her own judge. I added just a small amount of water so it didn’t fall apart and broke half a biscuit in two. I would say the consistency was claggy at best.

I placed it on the tray of her high chair and watched as Mrs T scooped it up, eyed it for just a few seconds, then, without a moment’s hesitation, put it straight into her mouth and happily chomped away. There wasn’t even any gagging and you can imagine my shock when she came back for more and saw BOTH pieces off.


Turns out Mrs T LOVES them. In her eyes they are a winner… maybe just MAYBE I might put my childhood cereal horrors behind me and give them another taste… I just don’t think I can.

If, like me, you need some breakfast ideas, here are some other other treats I have given Mrs T for the most important (and best) meal of the day.

Toast and butter
Cheese on toast
Porridge (with water) adding grated apple or pear or puréed fruit to make a bit more interesting
Yogurt (live, full fat)
Fruit – sticks of mango, apple, banana, strawberries, pear
Dry wheat cereal eg branflakes or cornflakes (cereal without high levels of salt and sugar).
Oat cakes with cream cheese
Wholewheat biscuits (eg Weetabix)

*It is also celebrity chef John Torode’s favourite meal, I discovered while watching Masterchef the other day. Wonder if he has steak for brekkie?



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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

  1. I love your pictures! I have done BLW with 2 of my three children so far, I cant wait until Miss DL is old enough to wean.
    We also did mini omlette’s for breakfast with one egg and cut it into slices, but I like your way of doing the Weetabix Thanks for the tip xx #bigfatlinky

    1. Thanks Hayley! It’s such a great experience isn’t it? Watching them explore and try the food. Ooh the omelette sounds like a fab idea. Thank you x

  2. Thanks for this tried weetabix with my little boy this morning and he actually picked it up, chewed and swallows some! I think he probably ate about 1/4 of a weetabix which is good going for us! Baby led weaning is new to us. I did Annabel Karmel with my daughter and was planning to do the same but he won’t eat anything off a spoon! He’s still not eating much and definitely prefers his bottles of milk. He’s 32 weeks old.

    1. Great! That’s fantastic news. I really loved baby led weaning…my daughter got a lot out of it and I think it made her quite independent from a young age because she could feed herself. I have written about a few other baby led weaning experiments if you search for weaning. x

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