First Birthday (and Christening): One Year On

Never one to be put off a challenge, this weekend Wander Mum and Wander Dad celebrated Mrs T’s FIRST birthday AND Christening – all in one weekend! It was hectic but enormous fun and fantastic to have so many friends and family members share both days with us.

On Saturday the heavy downpours of rain held off for most of the day thereby failing to dampen our birthday BBQ (gazebo bought and constructed as a handy back up) then Mrs T was the best she has ever been in church, smiling, babbling but not crying, not even when three scoops of water were poured over her head. In fact, she had the vicar laughing as she attempted to grab his glasses while he was trying to conduct the service.


The last couple of weeks organising it all have been pretty full on. Don’t ask me why. Who would have thought a kids party, Christening and reception would be even vaguely stressful. After all, it’s just a few balloons, banners, burgers, party bags, cakes, inflatable animals, photo frames and books… Hmmm well, you get my drift. I have barely had time to sit down and make a cuppa let alone blog (so apologies for my limited updates) especially with a teething, newly crawling child to look after.

It was only on Sunday night when it was all done, it hit me. My daughter is one. A whole year has passed with her in my life. This was her a year ago.



And here she is on her first birthday.


In that time she has grown into a wonderful little girl with her own distinct personality. A charming, sociable, content little lady. I feel privileged to have her as my daughter.

If the past year has taught me and my husband anything it is that life can be unpredictable. Cal’s cancer diagnosis and rehabilitation has been extremely tough at times but having Mrs T has given us so much focus and joy. Children are such special beings.

When I was pregnant people with kids would tell me how my ‘life was going to completely change‘. How ‘it would never be the same again’. Of course, at the time, I assumed they were issuing me with a warning, that these things were bad, that your life would officially be over. No. It is the opposite. I feel like my life has been enhanced and reborn. Having her has helped give me purpose and direction. Sure, there are the occasional downsides but in the grand scheme of things my life is far better with her in it.

As for those who said I would ‘never get any sleep again, ever’, clearly they never had to do an early shift at my work. Getting up at 4am to feed or soothe a crying baby is infinitely better than getting up at 4am, getting dressed, going to work and doing a nine hour shift. Sure, it can be tough (I am lucky that she managed to get into a good sleep routine early on) but it is all worth it. Despite some of the day to day mundane activities, being a mum is hugely fulfilling. As for those who said ‘I would never go out again’ well this blog has hopefully proved them wrong. You can. It just takes more organising, people around you who you can trust and having the inclination and courage to do it. Of course, the real challenge starts when I go back to work in a few weeks. I am sure a ‘mother’s guilt’ post is not too far away.



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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

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