Toddlers: 5 Things You Need To Accept

On the whole, toddlers can provide hours of amusement with their silly antics and inquisitive nature. But, as with any age group, there are downsides. Here’s five things you need to accept if you have a toddler.

1. There will ย be a constant onslaught of questions all day long.

In my daughter’s case, the following…

“Where’s Mummy/Daddy gone?”
“What’s that, Mummy?”
“What are you doing Mummy?”

2. You will be used as a climbing frame on a daily basis (and be prodded and pulled too).


3. Their tantrums, stubbornness (and trips and slips) will make you aย master of distraction.

“Let’s play Lego/go to the park/see daddy/do some colouring/find teddy/read a book.”

4. You will frequentlyย hear the word “no” and end up running after them – a lot. Around the supermarket, the house, park – you ย name it.

5. But, you will also be greatly amused and laugh along with them when they spontaneously do the funniest things. Makes it all worth it!

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ย Do any of those sound familiar? What have I missed? Please share your experiences/tactics for dealing with toddlers by commenting below.

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Wander Mum

I've always loved to travel so when my two daughters came along, I didn't stop. Travelling as a family can have its ups and downs but I love showing my children the world and helping others navigate travelling with children in tow.

  1. Oh so very true! all of them. Don’t forget about the bit where they tell you what they would like for tea, for you to cook it and for them to then tell you, they don’t like it! Thanks for linking to #PoCoLo ๐Ÿ™‚ x

  2. Yes, yes, yes! I’ve just flopped on the sofa absolutely exhausted after running after my two year-old with baby in pram, kicking the unused buggy board with every step, all the way along a woodland walk, playing in the park, then distracting him in order to leave. On the plus side, as a result of one of the many questions asked along the route, he can now say ‘electricity pylon’ and knows what one is ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Mummy Don’t Say recently posted…50 Things that make me HappyMy Profile

    1. Hey, they are exhausting but so delightful at the same time. I love how they pick words up, just like that! That’s some great knowledge! X

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